Description: Heritage Highlights Journal is an esteemed scholarly publication dedicated to advancing knowledge and understanding in the field of heritage studies. As an open access journal, it promotes the dissemination of high-quality research to a broad audience without any financial barriers.

Open Access Policy: Heritage Highlights Journal follows an open access policy, ensuring that all published articles are freely accessible to readers worldwide. This approach facilitates the unrestricted distribution and utilization of research, fostering collaboration and innovation within the heritage community.

Focus and Scope: The journal focuses on a wide range of topics within the field of heritage studies, including but not limited to cultural heritage preservation, conservation practices, heritage tourism, heritage management, community engagement, and heritage policy. It welcomes original research articles, review papers, case studies, and critical essays that contribute to the advancement of knowledge in these areas.

Copyright Notice: Heritage Highlights Journal adheres to a comprehensive copyright policy. Authors retain the copyright to their published work, granting the journal the right to first publication. All published articles are protected by copyright laws, and any use, reproduction, or distribution requires proper citation and permission from the authors and the journal.

Sponsorship Disclosure: Heritage Highlights Journal acknowledges and discloses any sponsorship or financial support received for its operations and publication. Transparency is a core principle, ensuring that readers are aware of any potential influences on the content and maintaining the journal's integrity.

Privacy Statement: Heritage Highlights Journal respects the privacy of its authors, reviewers, and readers. The journal's privacy statement outlines its commitment to protecting personal information and maintaining data security. It ensures that any personal data collected during the submission and review process is handled confidentially and in accordance with applicable privacy laws.

Inclusion in Archival System: Heritage Highlights Journal is dedicated to preserving the scholarly record for future generations. As such, all published articles are archived in a reliable digital archival system, ensuring their long-term accessibility and preservation. This commitment guarantees that the valuable research presented in the journal remains available for reference and citation over time.

In summary, Heritage Highlights Journal is an open access publication with a strong focus on heritage studies. It adheres to transparent policies, maintains a rich publishing history, ensures copyright protection, acknowledges sponsorships, safeguards privacy, and secures its content through inclusion in a robust archival system.