Bioscience Horizon is a scholarly journal dedicated to advancing knowledge and understanding in the field of biosciences. Our journal serves as a platform for researchers, scientists, and academicians to disseminate their innovative research findings and contribute to the progress of bioscience disciplines.

With a strong focus on interdisciplinary research, Bioscience Horizon welcomes original research articles, reviews, and perspectives from various sub-disciplines within the biosciences, including but not limited to molecular biology, genetics, biochemistry, microbiology, ecology, and evolutionary biology. We strive to promote rigorous scientific inquiry, encourage collaborative research efforts, and foster the exchange of ideas among experts in the field.

As an open-access journal, Bioscience Horizon ensures that all published content is freely accessible to readers worldwide, eliminating barriers to knowledge dissemination. We adhere to high editorial standards and a rigorous peer-review process to maintain the integrity and quality of the research published in our journal.

Bioscience Horizon is committed to transparency and integrity in publishing. We have a strong copyright policy in place to protect the intellectual property rights of authors and to ensure proper attribution of their work. We also adhere to a clear sponsorship disclosure policy, promoting transparency and avoiding conflicts of interest.

Our journal has a rich history of publishing groundbreaking research and fostering scientific advancements in the biosciences. We are proud to contribute to the global scientific community and encourage researchers to submit their best work to Bioscience Horizon for consideration.

Please note that Bioscience Horizon is not part of any LOCKSS archival system, but we prioritize the long-term preservation and accessibility of published content to ensure its availability for future generations of researchers.

For more information about Bioscience Horizon, including our submission guidelines and publication ethics, please visit our website or contact our editorial office. We look forward to collaborating with researchers and authors to advance the frontiers of bioscience knowledge.