Assessing Teenager’s engagement in Regular Physical Exercise: A Case Study in Selected Town Administrations of North Shoa Zone

محتوى المقالة الرئيسي

Huluager Abebe
Gizew Fetene
Elsabet Gebeyehu
Sosina Tamene
Tilahun Yimer


Along with the general health benefits to be gained with regular physical activity, it is important to remember that physical fitness also reduces the risk of premature death caused by cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, hypertension, obesity, depression, et cetera. Promoting health and physical fitness must begin at a young age and continue throughout the lifespan since the risk of chronic disease starts in childhood and increases into adulthood. Students’ overall physical fitness and health are important prerequisites for high academic performance and social and emotional well-being. The general objective of this study was to assessing Teenager’s engagement in Regular Physical Exercise: A Case Study in Selected Town Administrations of North Shoa Zone. To achieve this objective researches selected two administrated town and one region metropolitan city based on proximity. The study populations were all volunteers, randomly and purposively selected grade 8 students and teachers in the selected towns. A total of 981 students and 6 physical education teachers were participating in the study as sample. This research was used descriptive research design and a combination of stratified sampling or cluster sampling, purposive sampling and simple random sampling were used. To determine sample size in each stratum the researchers was used Taro Yamane formula with 95% confidence level. The researchers were used questionnaire, interview and observation check list as data collection instrument. The descriptive statistics result shown that the majority of teenage students don’t meet the standard level of physical activity and there are different challenges that inhibit them from participating in physical activity even though they have positive perception about physical activity. Based on this the researchers found that engagement of teenage students in regular physical exercise at the selected town is low. Accordingly, implications and recommendations of the study were discussed and forwarded.

تفاصيل المقالة

كيفية الاقتباس
Huluager Abebe, Gizew Fetene, Elsabet Gebeyehu, Sosina Tamene, & Tilahun Yimer. (2024). Assessing Teenager’s engagement in Regular Physical Exercise: A Case Study in Selected Town Administrations of North Shoa Zone. Afri Journal, 4(2).

كيفية الاقتباس

Huluager Abebe, Gizew Fetene, Elsabet Gebeyehu, Sosina Tamene, & Tilahun Yimer. (2024). Assessing Teenager’s engagement in Regular Physical Exercise: A Case Study in Selected Town Administrations of North Shoa Zone. Afri Journal, 4(2).



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