
Elisabet Gebeyehu
Desta Enyew
Shimelis Mekonene


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of aerobic dance on selected motor fitness variables of 3rd year female Sport Science students of Debre Birhan University. To conduct this research the investigator selected 40 female sport science students with age of 19-24 from Debre Birhan University sport science department after completed the health status questionnaire. The samples were selected by census sampling method and random sampling method and it was used to divide the samples into 2 groups i.e. control and experimental groups, each group consisting of 20 subjects, whereas their sex and the study place in relation with their department were selected by purposive sampling. The data collected from subjects were analyzed by SPSS version 20.0 and the comparison of mean value results were carried out by paired sample t-test. The level of significance was p<0.05. The finding of the present study showed from pre to post test was showed significant change for Illinois agility test (Mean Difference.142),sit and rich test (Mean difference 2.95) and stand balance stork test (Mean difference 3.05) for experimental group. However, in the control group there was not significance difference or improvement seen in all selected motor fitness variables. So this study concluded that 12week aerobic dance exercise have a positive effect on improving these selected motor fitness variables of 3rd year female sport science students of Debre Birhan university. 





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