Fish Resource Survey in Benishangul-Gumuz Regional State  based on Fish Resource Survey in Benishangul-Gumuz Regional State

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Hussein Abegaz
Alayu Yalew
Ermias Mengistu


The Benshangul Gumuz Regional State has ample natural resources; water bodies constitute perennial and intermittent rivers, reservoirs and flood plains with diversified fish species. The fishery resource has been exploited for centuries mainly by indigenous Gumuz and Berta peoples.  The total annual harvestable fish from major Rivers is estimated to be 2400 tons/yr and River Abay covers 70% of the region’s total potential. The catch has never been recorded systematically and exact data are not known. However, the rural household based socio-economic survey conducted in 2006 indicated that from all sampled 150 Kebeles, 132 Kebeles (88%) used fish from the rivers. The survey reveals also that 70-83% of 20 Kebeles, 50-70% of 10 Kebeles and 10-45% of 19 Kebeles population have access for fishing at the nearby rivers.  The whole population of Mandura and Sirba Abay Woredas and 83% of the population in 36 Kebeles of Maokomo, Guba, Bulen and Kemashi Woredas used fish for food. The current exploitation level is estimated only at 183 tons/yr. The catches are used mostly for home consumption and rarely sold in marketing places as fresh and/or dried when the production exceeds the needs of the family. Along the river coastal areas per capita consumption of fish amongst the peoples reaches about 22 kg/person/yr. Fishes are of special significance for food security in the region, as all the fish caught is going to be consumed by local communities.

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How to Cite
Abegaz, H., Yalew, A., & Mengistu, E. (2023). Fish Resource Survey in Benishangul-Gumuz Regional State  based on Fish Resource Survey in Benishangul-Gumuz Regional State. Helix, 4(1).

How to Cite

Abegaz, H., Yalew, A., & Mengistu, E. (2023). Fish Resource Survey in Benishangul-Gumuz Regional State  based on Fish Resource Survey in Benishangul-Gumuz Regional State. Helix, 4(1).
