Editorial Guidelines

Vision and Mission

Afri Publishings is a platform that showcases the diversity and richness of African literature and culture. We aim to provide a space for African writers and scholars to share their stories, insights, and perspectives with a global audience. We also seek to foster dialogue and collaboration among different disciplines and fields of study related to Africa.

Scope and Content

We welcome submissions from scholars of any nationality, ethnicity, gender, or background, as long as their works are relevant to global science and development. We are especially interested in works that explore contemporary issues and challenges facing Globally, such as politics, economics, environment, health, education, identity, etc.

Review Process

Submissions will be reviewed by our editorial team and external reviewers who are experts in their respective fields. Submissions will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Relevance to the specific journal scope
  • Originality and creativity
  • Quality of writing and presentation
  • Contribution to knowledge and understanding

Submissions will receive one of the following responses within three months (maximum) of receipt:

  • Acceptance: The work is accepted for publication without any changes.
  • Revision: The work is accepted for publication with minor or major revisions. The author will be asked to revise the work according to the feedback provided by the reviewers and resubmit it within a specified deadline.
  • Rejection: The work is not accepted for publication due to various reasons. The author will receive constructive comments from the reviewers to improve their work for future submissions.

The final decision on publication rests with the editor-in-chief.

Publication Ethics

Authors are expected to adhere to the highest standards of academic integrity and ethics in their submissions. They should avoid any form of plagiarism, fabrication, falsification, or misrepresentation of data or sources. They should also acknowledge and cite any sources that have influenced or supported their work. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission from the original authors or publishers for any material that they use or reproduce in their submissions that is not their own. They should also credit any collaborators or contributors who have assisted them in their work. Authors are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may affect their work or its publication. This includes any financial, personal, professional, or political interests that may influence their views or findings. Authors are expected to respect the confidentiality and anonymity of the reviewers who evaluate their submissions. They should not contact them directly or attempt to influence their decisions.

Rights and Permissions

By submitting their work, authors grant Afri Publishings a non-exclusive license to publish and disseminate the content in any format or medium, including digital and print formats. Authors retain the copyright of their work and can reuse it for other purposes with proper attribution. Authors also affirm that their submissions are original works, have not been previously published elsewhere, and do not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of any third party. They also agree to indemnify and hold harmless Afri Publishings from any claims or damages that may arise from the publication of their work.

Contact Information

For any queries or feedback, please contact us at support@afri.et or visit our website.


Research and Publication Ethics

Research and publication ethics are rules of conduct that ensure the integrity, quality, and credibility of scientific research and scholarly work. They involve the responsibilities and rights of researchers, authors, reviewers, editors, publishers, and sponsors.

Research and publication ethics are based on the principles of honesty, fairness, objectivity, accuracy, transparency, accountability, respect, and beneficence. They aim to promote the advancement of knowledge, truth, and innovation, as well as to protect the welfare of research participants, animals, plants, and the environment.

Research and publication ethics cover various aspects of the research process, such as:

  • Designing and conducting research in accordance with ethical standards and regulations.
  • Obtaining informed consent from human subjects and ensuring their privacy and confidentiality.
  • Using animals and plants in research in a humane and responsible manner.
  • Reporting and presenting research results in a complete, accurate, and unbiased way.
  • Acknowledging and citing the sources that have contributed to or supported the research.
  • Avoiding any form of plagiarism, fabrication, falsification, or misrepresentation of data or sources.
  • Disclosing any potential conflicts of interest that may affect the research or its publication.
  • Respecting the intellectual property rights of others and obtaining permission for any material that is not original.
  • Reviewing and editing the submissions of others in a fair, objective, and constructive manner.
  • Responding to comments and complaints in a timely and professional way.
  • Correcting or retracting any errors or misconducts that are identified after publication.

Research and publication ethics are supported by various initiatives and guidelines that provide recommendations and resources for researchers, authors, reviewers, editors, publishers, and sponsors. Some of these initiatives and guidelines are:

Research and publication ethics are essential for maintaining the trustworthiness and reputation of Afri Publishings. We expect all our contributors to adhere to the highest standards of ethical conduct in their submissions. We also follow the COPE guidelines for dealing with any ethical issues or complaints that may arise during the review or publication process. We reserve the right to reject or retract any submission that violates our ethical policies or standards.