Assessment of motorized commercial gillnet fishery of the three commercially important fishes in Lake Tana, Ethiopia

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Behan Mohammed
Martin de Graaf
Leo Nagelkerke
Minwyelet Mingist
Wassie Anteneh


This study was conducted from July 2010 to June 2011 to assess the status of motorized commercial gillnet fishery of the three commercially most important fishes in Lake TanaLabeobarbusspp., Oreochromisniloticus(Nile tilapia) and Clariasgariepinus (African catfish). Catches were monitored daily and additional information on number of gillnets used, mesh size of gill nets and location of fishing grounds were collected. Data on the Labeobarbus species composition were collected 3 days per month. The total fish yield from the main fishing grounds of the commercial fishery was 238 metric tons/year. The catch of tilapia was 71%, that of catfish 18% and that of Labeobarbus 11% of the total catch. Peak production was from March - May 2011. Most effort (80%) was allocated to the North Eastern Floodplain (NEFP). The total number of gillnets set and boat trips made were 85,943 and 3104, respectively, which is much higher than reported previously. Consequently, the Catch per Unit effort (CpUE; kg/trip) of the 2010/2011 production year was with 64.7 ± 3 (95% CL) kg much lower than reported previously. The CpUE of all three fish taxa was lower than previously reported, but especially the LabeobarbusCpUE was much lower than before (6.1 kg). An integrated management plan and research program for the Lake Tana basin is urgently required to prevent the collapse of an important fishery and the extinction of the only known cyprinid species flock in the world.

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How to Cite
Mohammed, B., de Graaf, M. ., Nagelkerke, L. ., Mingist, M. ., & Anteneh, W. (2023). Assessment of motorized commercial gillnet fishery of the three commercially important fishes in Lake Tana, Ethiopia. Helix, 4(1).

How to Cite

Mohammed, B., de Graaf, M. ., Nagelkerke, L. ., Mingist, M. ., & Anteneh, W. (2023). Assessment of motorized commercial gillnet fishery of the three commercially important fishes in Lake Tana, Ethiopia. Helix, 4(1).



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