Integrated Fish-horticulture Farming system at Sheled, Arsi, Oromia, Ethiopia

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Daba Tugie
Tokuma Negisho


The experiment was conducted to investigate integrated fish-horticulture farming system which maximizing productivity and economic efficiency of small holders’ farmers at Sheled. Oreochromis niloticus fingerlings with an average weight of 26.23 g were stocked at 2/m2 density in earthen pond of 1,640m2area. The fish were supplemented with 70%Wheat bran and 30%Noug cake at 5% body weight twice a day for 216 days. Final weight of the fish was ranged from 85.4 to 273.5 g, with an average of 148.8±2.04 g. The mean daily growth rate and specific growth rate were 0.57± 0.01 g day-1 and 2.23% respectively. The horticultures treatments were conducted simultaneously with fish raising under two groups (plots irrigated with direct river water and fish pond water). Each group has with two treatments and replications for Gurage Cabbage (Brassica oleracea) and Bombey Red Onion (Allium cepa) on 15 m2 for76 growing days and 6.48 m2 for 81 days respectively. The estimated yield of Brassica oleracea under Group I of T1 (river water +0 fertilizer) was 85.80q/ha while yield of T2 (river water + fertilizers) of similar group was 106.20 q/ha. The extrapolated yield under Group II of T1 (fish pond water +0 fertilizer) was 140.60q/ha whereas the yield of T2 (fish pond water + fertilizers) was 153.70q/ha. The yield obtained from T1 and T2 under Group II were significantly higher (P<0.05) than the T1 of Group I, but was no significant difference (P>0.05) among T2 of Group I and T1 and T2 of Group II.  Regarding to Allium cepa, the marketable estimated yield of T1 (river water +0 fertilizer) under Group I was 568.05q/ha whereas under similar group T2 (river water + fertilizers) was 593.64q/ha. The extrapolated yield under Group II from T1 (fish pond water +0 fertilizer) was 657.56 q/ha while of the same group T2 (fish pond water + fertilizer) was 604.50q/ha.  Statistically there was no significant different (P > 0.05) of yield between both groups and among all treatments.

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Comment citer
Tugie, D., & Negisho, T. (2023). Integrated Fish-horticulture Farming system at Sheled, Arsi, Oromia, Ethiopia. Helix, 1(1).

Comment citer

Tugie, D., & Negisho, T. (2023). Integrated Fish-horticulture Farming system at Sheled, Arsi, Oromia, Ethiopia. Helix, 1(1).



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