Assessment on physical activity involvement of university students with special needs: a case study in some selected higher institutions of Ethiopian

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Elsabet Gebeyehu
Huluager Abebe
Wubadis Tekletadik


Background: Physical activity is very important for every person regardless of his/her age, gender, race, economic status, as well as physical ability, or disability. People, particularly students with special needs are usually perceived by societies as disadvantaged groups (Block, 1992). Hence, they are in a position of missing some economic, political, and social benefits including the right to access equitable and quality of PA. Objectives: the purpose of this study was to assess students with visually impaired and physical disabilities' engagement in physical activity. Methods: in this study qualitative method was employed. A case study research design was employed in this research. Study area: The study was conducted on 3 selected universities, Ethiopia. The selected universities are Debre Berhan, Addis Ababa and kotbea metropolitan universities. Sample: In this research sample of students with special need from all universities main and sub campus ‘was selected by available sampling technique and also responsible head of institutions was selected by purposive sampling technique. The study utilized three data gathering techniques observation, interview and focus group discussion. Qualitative thematic case analysis was employed to analyze the data. Outcome: the finding of the study reveals Ramps, Stairs, Doors, Signage and Flooring of buildings are so poor to allow PA for SWSN. University students with special need have less time engagement in PA (their involvement in PA is so minimal) and University students with special need have interest to engage in PA but environmental and social barriers inhabit them form engagement of PA. Finally, recommendation was forwarded for three universities stakeholders based on the major finding of the research.


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Cómo citar
Gebeyehu, E., Abebe, H., & Tekletadik, W. (2023). Assessment on physical activity involvement of university students with special needs: a case study in some selected higher institutions of Ethiopian. Helix, 5(1).

Cómo citar

Gebeyehu, E., Abebe, H., & Tekletadik, W. (2023). Assessment on physical activity involvement of university students with special needs: a case study in some selected higher institutions of Ethiopian. Helix, 5(1).



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