1. Introduction

Afri Publishing is a reputable academic publishing organization dedicated to advancing knowledge and promoting academic excellence in various fields. Our commitment to fostering the dissemination of high-quality research and ensuring the highest ethical standards underpins every aspect of our publication policy.

1.1 Mission and Vision

At Afri Publishing, our mission is to facilitate the exchange of innovative and impactful research that addresses the unique challenges and opportunities facing African and global communities. We envision a world where knowledge is accessible to all, where researchers can openly collaborate and share their discoveries to drive positive change.

1.2 Commitment to Excellence

We are committed to upholding the highest standards of scholarly publishing. This commitment encompasses the integrity, credibility, and accessibility of the research we publish. We recognize the pivotal role scholarly publishing plays in advancing knowledge, fostering critical thinking, and driving progress. Therefore, we strive to ensure that our publications reflect the best practices and adhere to ethical principles.

1.3 Scope of the Publication Policy

This publication policy serves as a comprehensive guide for all stakeholders involved in the publication process with Afri Publishing. It applies to:

  • Authors: Researchers, scholars, and contributors submitting their work for publication.
  • Editors: Academic professionals responsible for the review and decision-making process.
  • Reviewers: Experts in the field who evaluate submitted manuscripts.
  • Readers: The global community accessing and utilizing the research published by Afri Publishing.

1.4 Core Principles

Our publication policy is grounded in the following core principles:

  1. Quality: We are committed to the publication of high-quality research that contributes to the advancement of knowledge and addresses critical issues facing society.
  2. Integrity: We uphold the integrity of the research process by fostering transparency, honesty, and accountability in all our publications.
  3. Accessibility: We believe that knowledge should be accessible to all, irrespective of geographic, economic, or social barriers. Open access is fundamental to our mission.
  4. Ethical Conduct: We expect all authors, reviewers, and editors to adhere to the highest standards of ethical conduct in research and publishing.
  5. Continuous Improvement: We are dedicated to continuous improvement and will adapt our policies and practices to reflect the evolving landscape of scholarly publishing.
  6. Global Perspective: While our primary focus is on African research and scholarship, we welcome and encourage contributions from scholars worldwide, fostering a global perspective on important issues.

This publication policy provides a framework that guides the submission, review, and publication of research works with Afri Publishing. It is a living document that will evolve as the scholarly publishing landscape changes, with the ultimate goal of serving the academic community and society at large.

For the latest updates and information, please refer to the Afri Publishing website or contact our editorial team.

  1. Scope

This publication policy is designed to provide clear and comprehensive guidelines for all individuals and entities involved in the publication process with Afri Publishing. It encompasses a wide range of roles and responsibilities, ensuring that the principles outlined in this policy are upheld throughout the publication journey.

2.1 Authors

Authors are the primary contributors to the research works published by Afri Publishing. The scope of this policy includes, but is not limited to, the following aspects for authors:

  • Submission of Manuscripts: Authors are expected to submit original and high-quality research works that adhere to the specific guidelines provided by Afri Publishing.
  • Authorship and Contribution: It is the responsibility of authors to ensure that all listed contributors have made substantial and meaningful contributions to the research. The corresponding author is tasked with obtaining consent from all co-authors.
  • Conflict of Interest: Authors must disclose any financial or non-financial interests that may influence the interpretation or reporting of research findings.
  • Ethical Conduct: Authors are expected to conduct their research in an ethical and responsible manner, adhering to established guidelines for human and animal subjects, as well as other relevant ethical considerations.

2.2 Editors

Editors play a crucial role in the review and decision-making process for submitted manuscripts. This section outlines the scope of responsibilities for editors:

  • Selection of Reviewers: Editors are responsible for selecting qualified and unbiased reviewers who have expertise in the subject matter of the manuscript.
  • Ensuring Blind Review: Editors must ensure that the peer review process is conducted in a double-blind manner, maintaining the anonymity of both authors and reviewers.
  • Editorial Decision-making: Editors are tasked with making decisions based on the quality, originality, and relevance of the submitted manuscripts. These decisions may include acceptance, revision, or rejection.

2.3 Reviewers

Reviewers provide critical evaluation and feedback on submitted manuscripts. The scope of responsibilities for reviewers includes:

  • Objective Evaluation: Reviewers are expected to conduct a thorough and objective assessment of the manuscript, providing constructive feedback to help authors improve their work.
  • Timely Review: Reviewers are requested to complete their evaluations in a timely manner to facilitate the smooth progression of the publication process.
  • Conflict of Interest Disclosure: Reviewers should promptly disclose any conflicts of interest that may affect their ability to provide an unbiased evaluation.

2.4 Readers

Readers are an integral part of the scholarly community and play a vital role in the dissemination and utilization of published research. This section addresses the scope for readers:

  • Access to Published Works: Afri Publishing is committed to providing open access to its published content, ensuring that research is freely accessible to readers worldwide.
  • Responsible Use of Content: Readers are encouraged to use published content responsibly, giving proper attribution to authors and respecting copyright terms.

This comprehensive scope ensures that the principles and guidelines outlined in this publication policy are applied consistently and effectively by all stakeholders involved in the publication process with Afri Publishing.

  1. Ethical Guidelines

Afri Publishing is committed to upholding the highest ethical standards in scholarly publishing. Authors, reviewers, and editors are expected to adhere to the following ethical guidelines to ensure the integrity and credibility of the research published by Afri Publishing.

3.1. Authorship and Contributions

All authors are required to adhere to strict guidelines regarding authorship and contributions. For a detailed description of our authorship policy, please visit our Authorship and Contributions Guidelines page.

3.2. Originality and Plagiarism

Afri Publishing places a strong emphasis on originality and the avoidance of plagiarism. Authors must ensure that their submitted manuscripts are original works and do not contain any plagiarized content. For a comprehensive understanding of our policy on originality and plagiarism, please refer to our Originality and Plagiarism Guidelines document.

3.3. Conflicts of Interest

Authors, reviewers, and editors are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may influence their work. For detailed information on how Afri Publishing handles conflicts of interest, please consult our Conflicts of Interest Policy page.

3.4. Data Integrity and Reproducibility

Afri Publishing encourages authors to maintain the highest standards of data integrity and reproducibility.

For the most up-to-date and detailed information on our ethical guidelines, including specific policies and procedures, please visit our Ethical Guidelines page.

  1. Peer Review Process

Afri Publishing employs a rigorous peer review process to ensure the quality and validity of the research we publish. This process is fundamental in maintaining the integrity and credibility of our publications.

4.1. Blind Peer Review

We conduct a double-blind peer review, wherein the identities of both the authors and reviewers are kept confidential. This helps to minimize biases and ensure that the evaluation process is fair and objective.

4.2. Reviewer Guidelines

Reviewers play a crucial role in assessing the quality and suitability of submitted manuscripts. They are selected based on their expertise in the relevant field. Our reviewer guidelines include:

  • Expertise: Reviewers should have expertise in the specific subject area of the manuscript to provide a thorough and insightful evaluation.
  • Objectivity: Reviewers are expected to provide unbiased, constructive feedback based on the content of the manuscript.
  • Timeliness: Reviewers are encouraged to complete their evaluations within the stipulated timeframe to facilitate the timely progression of the publication process.
  • Confidentiality: Reviewers must treat the manuscript and all associated information as confidential, refraining from disclosing any details about the review process.

4.3. Editorial Decision

Based on the feedback provided by reviewers, the editor responsible for the manuscript will make a decision regarding its disposition. This decision may fall into one of the following categories:

  • Acceptance: The manuscript is accepted for publication without further revisions.
  • Minor Revisions: The manuscript requires minor revisions, typically focused on clarifications or minor adjustments.
  • Major Revisions: The manuscript requires substantial revisions to address significant issues or concerns raised by the reviewers.
  • Rejection: The manuscript does not meet the criteria for publication in its current form.

4.4. Appeals and Feedback

Authors have the opportunity to respond to the reviewer comments and revise their manuscript accordingly. If authors disagree with the editorial decision, they may appeal by providing a detailed response addressing the concerns raised. This appeals process is overseen by the editorial team.

4.5. Continuous Improvement

Afri Publishing is dedicated to continuously improving the peer review process. We actively seek feedback from reviewers, authors, and editors to refine our procedures and enhance the quality of our publications.

For a detailed breakdown of our peer review process, please refer to our Peer Review Guidelines document.

  1. Open Access and Copyright

Afri Publishing is committed to the principles of open access, ensuring that research is freely accessible to the global community. We also uphold the rights of authors to their intellectual property. This section outlines our policies on open access and copyright.

5.1. Open Access

We believe in the democratization of knowledge and are dedicated to providing open access to all our published content. This means that anyone, anywhere in the world, can access our research without financial or subscription barriers. For a detailed explanation of our open access policy, please refer to our Open Access Policy.

5.2. Copyright

Authors retain the copyright of their work when publishing with Afri Publishing. However, by submitting their work, authors grant Afri Publishing a non-exclusive license to publish and distribute the manuscript. The published content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), allowing others to share and adapt the work with proper attribution. For more information on our copyright policy, please visit our Copyright Guidelines page.

5.3. Archiving and Preservation

Afri Publishing is dedicated to the long-term preservation of published content. We partner with recognized digital archiving services to ensure that our research remains accessible for generations to come. 

5.4. Corrections and Retractions

In the event that errors or inaccuracies are identified in published content, Afri Publishing will take prompt action to correct or, in rare cases, retract the material.

For the latest information on our open access and copyright policies, including specific terms and conditions, please visit our Open Access and Copyright page.

  1. Archiving and Preservation

Afri Publishing recognizes the critical importance of preserving and maintaining the integrity of scholarly research for future generations. We are committed to robust archiving and preservation practices to ensure that our published content remains accessible and relevant over time.

6.1. Digital Archiving Partnerships

Afri Publishing collaborates with established and reputable digital archiving services to safeguard the longevity and accessibility of our published content. These partnerships are essential in ensuring that our research remains available to scholars, researchers, and the public for years to come.

6.2. Long-Term Accessibility

Our archiving efforts are designed to withstand technological advancements and changes in digital formats. We employ best practices in digital preservation to ensure that our content remains compatible with future technologies and platforms.

6.3. Metadata and Documentation

We place a strong emphasis on comprehensive metadata and documentation for our published works. This includes detailed information about the research, authors, publication date, and related contextual information. This metadata is crucial for accurate indexing and retrieval of content.

6.4. Disaster Recovery and Redundancy

Afri Publishing maintains robust disaster recovery plans and redundancy measures to protect our digital archives from unforeseen events or technical failures. This includes regular backups and secure storage practices.

6.5. Version Control

We implement version control protocols to track and manage different iterations of published content. This ensures that readers can access previous versions of a work, providing transparency and accountability in the scholarly record.

6.6. Accessibility Standards

Afri Publishing adheres to international standards for digital archiving and preservation, including the guidelines established by organizations such as the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) and the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA).

6.7. Ongoing Monitoring and Evaluation

We conduct regular assessments of our archiving and preservation practices to stay current with evolving industry standards. This includes periodic reviews of our partnerships, technologies, and strategies to ensure that our content remains accessible and secure.

  1. Corrections and Retractions

Afri Publishing is committed to maintaining the integrity and accuracy of the research we publish. In cases where errors, inaccuracies, or ethical concerns are identified, we have established clear procedures for issuing corrections or retractions.

7.1. Correction of Errors

7.1.1. Types of Errors

Errors that may warrant a correction include:

  • Minor Errors: These encompass typographical errors, formatting issues, or other minor discrepancies that do not fundamentally impact the integrity of the research.
  • Substantive Errors: These are significant factual inaccuracies or methodological flaws that may affect the interpretation or conclusions of the work.

7.1.2. Procedure for Corrections

When errors are identified, Afri Publishing will promptly assess the nature and impact of the error. If a correction is deemed necessary, the following steps will be taken:

  • Transparent Communication: The correction will be clearly communicated, along with an explanation of the nature of the error and the corrections made.
  • Version Control: The corrected version will be clearly labeled with a version number or date to differentiate it from the original.
  • Notification to Readers: Readers who accessed the original version will be informed of the correction and provided with a link to the updated version.

7.2. Retraction of Published Works

7.2.1. Grounds for Retraction

A published work may be subject to retraction if:

  • Ethical Violations: Serious ethical violations, such as data fabrication or plagiarism, are identified.
  • Significant Errors: Errors or flaws that fundamentally undermine the validity or reliability of the research are discovered.
  • Legal Issues: Legal obligations or concerns necessitate the removal of the work.

7.2.2. Procedure for Retractions

Retractions are considered as a last resort, and are approached with utmost care and transparency. The following steps will be taken:

  • Formal Statement of Retraction: A formal statement explaining the grounds for retraction will be issued, providing transparent and detailed information.
  • Notification to Readers: Readers who accessed the original work will be notified of the retraction and provided with an explanation.
  • Removal from Databases: The retracted work will be removed or flagged in all relevant databases and indexes.

7.3. Appeals and Disputes

Authors have the right to appeal a correction or retraction decision. Appeals will be considered in cases where new evidence or compelling arguments are presented. The appeals process is overseen by the editorial team.


  1. Appeals and Complaints

Afri Publishing values transparency and accountability in all aspects of the publication process. We have established procedures to address appeals and complaints from authors, reviewers, or readers who believe that a decision or action taken by Afri Publishing requires further consideration.

8.1. Appeals Process

8.1.1. Grounds for Appeals

Authors may submit an appeal if they believe that:

  • The decision regarding their manuscript was based on a misinterpretation or oversight.
  • There was a procedural error in the review process.
  • New and significant evidence, not available at the time of the initial decision, has emerged.

8.1.2. Procedure for Appeals

Authors wishing to file an appeal should adhere to the following steps:

  • Submission of Appeal: The corresponding author should submit a formal written appeal to the editorial office, clearly stating the grounds for the appeal and providing any supporting evidence or documentation.
  • Editorial Review: The appeal will be reviewed by the editorial team, which may involve consultation with relevant experts or reviewers.
  • Appeal Decision: The editorial team will communicate the decision of the appeal to the corresponding author, providing a clear explanation of the rationale.

8.2. Complaints Procedure

8.2.1. Types of Complaints

Complaints may pertain to various aspects of the publication process, including but not limited to:

  • Allegations of ethical misconduct by authors, reviewers, or editors.
  • Concerns regarding conflicts of interest or breaches of confidentiality.
  • Issues related to the conduct of the peer review process.

8.2.2. Reporting a Complaint

Individuals who wish to file a complaint should follow these steps:

  • Formal Complaint Submission: A formal written complaint should be submitted to the editorial office, clearly outlining the nature of the complaint and providing any available evidence or documentation.
  • Investigation and Resolution: The editorial team will conduct a thorough investigation, which may involve seeking input from relevant parties. The complainant will be kept informed of the progress and the outcome of the investigation.
  • Corrective Actions: If a complaint is found to be valid, appropriate corrective actions will be taken. These may include, but are not limited to, reevaluation of a manuscript, reassignment of reviewers, or implementation of additional safeguards.

8.3. Whistleblower Protection

Afri Publishing is committed to protecting individuals who report ethical concerns or violations. Whistleblowers can rest assured that their identities will be kept confidential, and they will not face any form of retaliation.

For further details on our appeals and complaints procedures, please refer to our Appeals and Complaints Guidelines document.

  1. Advertising and Sponsorship

Afri Publishing maintains a commitment to editorial independence and the integrity of our publications. We ensure that advertising and sponsorship do not compromise the objectivity or quality of the research and content we publish.

9.1. Editorial Independence

Afri Publishing upholds the principle of editorial independence, meaning that editorial decisions regarding the acceptance or rejection of manuscripts are made solely based on the quality, originality, and relevance of the research. These decisions are not influenced by any external interests, including advertising or sponsorship.

9.2. Advertising Guidelines

9.2.1. Acceptable Advertising

Advertising content must align with the scholarly and professional nature of our publications. We may accept advertisements from reputable academic institutions, publishers, conferences, and organizations related to the academic community.

9.2.2. Disclosure of Advertisements

All advertisements will be clearly marked as such, distinguishing them from editorial content. Readers will be able to easily identify and differentiate between advertisements and the research content we publish.

9.2.3. Content Review

While we accept advertising, all advertisements will be subject to review to ensure they meet our standards for relevance, accuracy, and appropriateness. Afri Publishing reserves the right to decline or request modifications to any advertisement that does not meet our criteria.

9.3. Sponsorship Guidelines

9.3.1. Transparency in Sponsorship

If Afri Publishing receives sponsorship for specific initiatives, events, or publications, we will provide clear and transparent disclosures regarding the source and nature of the sponsorship.

9.3.2. Avoidance of Influence

Sponsorship will not influence editorial decisions, content, or research outcomes. Any sponsored content will be clearly identified and will be subject to the same rigorous editorial and peer review processes as non-sponsored content.

9.3.3. Benefits to the Academic Community

Sponsorship received by Afri Publishing will be used to support initiatives that benefit the academic community, such as funding for conferences, research grants, or open access initiatives.

9.4. Conflict of Interest

Afri Publishing maintains a strict policy to ensure that advertising or sponsorship arrangements do not create conflicts of interest that could compromise the integrity of our publications.


  1. Privacy and Data Protection

Afri Publishing is committed to protecting the privacy of individuals involved in the publication process, including authors, reviewers, and readers. We adhere to relevant data protection laws and best practices to ensure the secure handling of personal information.

10.1. Collection of Personal Information

10.1.1. Authors

Authors are required to provide certain personal information during the submission process, including names, affiliations, contact details, and in some cases, ORCID iDs. This information is collected for the purpose of manuscript handling, peer review, and publication.

10.1.2. Reviewers

Reviewers may be asked to provide their names, affiliations, contact details, and areas of expertise. This information is used for the selection and invitation of appropriate reviewers for submitted manuscripts.

10.1.3. Readers

Readers who choose to create accounts or sign up for notifications may be required to provide their names and email addresses. This information is used to facilitate access to content and to provide updates on publications.

10.2. Use of Personal Information

Afri Publishing only uses personal information for legitimate purposes related to the publication process, including:

  • Facilitating communication with authors, reviewers, and readers.
  • Managing the peer review process.
  • Providing access to published content.
  • Sending notifications about publications, conferences, or other related activities.

10.3. Security Measures

Afri Publishing employs robust security measures to protect personal information from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction. This includes encryption, secure access controls, and regular security assessments.

10.4. Data Sharing and Third Parties

Afri Publishing does not sell or share personal information with third parties for commercial purposes. However, in some cases, we may share information with trusted service providers who assist in the publication process, such as peer review platforms or email providers.

10.5. Consent and Control

Individuals have the right to access, correct, or request the deletion of their personal information held by Afri Publishing. They can also opt out of receiving communications from Afri Publishing at any time.

10.6. Compliance with Data Protection Laws

Afri Publishing complies with relevant data protection laws, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other applicable regulations, to ensure the lawful and ethical handling of personal information.