Waste management in Hawassa city: Anthropogenic threat on Lake Hawassa

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Girma Tilahun


 Water bodies in the vicinity of fast growing cities are the main targets for disposing solid and liquid wastes directly or indirectly. They are at the receiving end for storm water, industrial, residential and commercial wastes directed towards them. Lake Hawassa is such a lake, currently facing  anthropogenic  threat  of  pollution  from  point  and  non-  point sources. Comprehensive review of recent studies on the management of solid and liquid wastes in Hawassa city is documented. Research findings on household solid wastes, industrial and hospital wastes as well as inventory of electronic wastes in the city   are compared with other major cities/towns in Ethiopia. The risk of pollution on the biota of Lake Hawassa is also presented. The need for early intervention and integrated action and protection of Lake Hawassa is emphasized.


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How to Cite
Tilahun, G. (2023). Waste management in Hawassa city: Anthropogenic threat on Lake Hawassa. Sustainable Systems, 5(1). https://doi.org/10.59411/cam5px98

How to Cite

Tilahun, G. (2023). Waste management in Hawassa city: Anthropogenic threat on Lake Hawassa. Sustainable Systems, 5(1). https://doi.org/10.59411/cam5px98



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