Evaluation of Formulated Feed of Plant and Animal Origin on the Growth Performance of O. Niloticus in Ponds, Ethiopia

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Mohammed Oumer


This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of supplementary feeding on the growth of Oreochromis niloticus in concrete ponds. Two formulated feeds, one  with only plant material origin (Noug  cake,  Brewery  waste & wheat  bran)  and  another mix ofplant and  animal origin (Fish meal, Brewery waste and  wheat  bran) with  similar  protein  content  were   used.  The   feeding  trial   was conducted in  six  concrete ponds of about  50  m2   each. The  control and  experimental groups were  run in duplicate with stocking density of  2  fish/m2.  The  treatment groups  were  fed  at  5%  of  their  body weight with the  respective test feeds and  the  control group  was left without  any   supplementary  feed.  The   results  of  the   experiment showed  that   fish   given   supplemental   diets   grew   much   faster (ANOVA, P<0.05)   than  the  control  group.   Although  no  significant growth  differences were  observed between the  test feeds (ANOVA, p=0.42),  fish raised in mixture of plant and  animal origin (0.35 g/day) showed better  growth  rate  than  plant  origin.  Differences  in  growth rates between the  control  and  test feeds  as well  as among the  test feeds  can   be   attributed   to   both   direct   and   indirect   effects  of supplementary feeds  given  to the  fish.  Direct  intake  of feeds  by the fish   provides   more    nutrients   resulting   in   better    growth    and production.  Therefore,  all  supplementary  feeds  have  an  impact  on the growth of O. niloticus in ponds

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How to Cite
Oumer, M. (2023). Evaluation of Formulated Feed of Plant and Animal Origin on the Growth Performance of O. Niloticus in Ponds, Ethiopia. Ecological Insights, 6(1). https://doi.org/10.59411/2f0fg239

How to Cite

Oumer, M. (2023). Evaluation of Formulated Feed of Plant and Animal Origin on the Growth Performance of O. Niloticus in Ponds, Ethiopia. Ecological Insights, 6(1). https://doi.org/10.59411/2f0fg239



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