Participatory evaluation of retaining cage in reducing post-harvest loss on Lake Langano

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Getachew Senbete
Meseret Taye


Fish post-harvest loss is one of the challenges in the fishery sub-sector of our country. Lack of appropriate technologies, poor infrastructure and handlings are some of the main causes for the elevated post-harvest loss. This experiment was conducted on Lake Langano during July 2006-June2007 with active participation of fishermen. The objective of the experiment was to evaluate the retaining cage in fish post-harvest loss on landing sites.   Nine cages, having a volume of about 2m3 each were constructed and provided to fishermen using beach seine on the lake. Fishermen were given training on how to use the material before the commencement of the experiment.   On average 150 kg of live fish was transferred to each net immediately from the beach seine end code to the retaining cage and set in the lake at the depth of 2m. During the experimental period, a total of 5990 kg of fish (entirely Oreochromis niloticus) was transferred to the cages and set in the water. After 13 hours on average 5919 kg of the fish was sold as fresh fish. Death recoded was 432.5  kg  (7.2%)  of  the  total  fish  but  was  still  fresh  and  marketable, whereas total spoiled fish during the experimental period was 78.5 kg (1.3 %).  Depth at which the net was kept, density, size of the fish caught, gear type,  time  and  weather  condition  were  observed  to  have  effect  on survival of the fish. In conclusion, this technology showed promising result in post-harvest loss reduction at the landing site and hence should be popularized among other fishermen.

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Senbete, G. ., & Taye, M. (2023). Participatory evaluation of retaining cage in reducing post-harvest loss on Lake Langano. Sustainable Systems, 4(1).

Comment citer

Senbete, G. ., & Taye, M. (2023). Participatory evaluation of retaining cage in reducing post-harvest loss on Lake Langano. Sustainable Systems, 4(1).



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