Consumer Acceptance and Willingness to Pay Premium Price for Aquaponics Products in Debre Birhan and Shewa Robit Towns, Ethiopia
A research project conducted between 2017 and 2018 delved into consumer perceptions and quality attributes of Aquaponics products in Shewa Robit and Debre Birhan towns, located in Ethiopia. In this context, Aquaponics, a novel approach to cultivating vegetables and fish, was explored. The primary objective of this investigation was to assess the extent of consumer acceptance towards Aquaponics technology and its resulting products. The findings of the study unveiled a notable level of consumer acceptance towards Aquaponics products, with a remarkable inclination among consumers to pay a premium of 5-10% above the prevailing rates for conventional products. Moreover, the study disclosed a strong consumer desire to foster greater trust in producers and enhance their confidence in the health benefits associated with consuming Aquaponics products. Interestingly, the outcomes did not exhibit significant variations based on the study site or the social structure within the study area.
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