Essential Minerals and Trace Elements in Muscle Tissue of Three Fish Species from Lake Tana, Ethiopia

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Girma Kibatu
Wale Yigzaw
Zebasil Mengesha


amples   of   three    fish   species   namely   Oreochromis niloticus (Nile tilapia), Clarias gariepinus (Catfish), and  labeobarbus (‘Nech  assa’)  collected  from  three   sample  sites  of  Lake   Tana, Ethiopia were analyzed for their level of some essential trace  metals. The  edible tissues of the  fishes were  isolated, frozen and  dried until constant weight obtained. Then  2  g  of dry powder  fish tissue was refluxed for 7.0 hours with 8.0 ml of 70% HNO3, 2.0 ml of 98% H2SO4 and   10  ml  of  35%  H2O2.  The  obtained  extract   was  analyzed  for Calcium (Ca),  Iron (Fe)  and  Zinc (Zn) content by atomic absorption spectrophotometer  (AAS).  The  recovery   for  the  three   metals  was ranged from  89.4%  to  107.2%   in spiked  fish  samples.  Results  of these trace  metal concentrations  (μg metal/g dry mass) in the  three fish  species  applying  external  calibration  curve  ranged Ca:  384.1 545.7,   Fe:  93.1  -198.8  and  Zn:  2.1  - 14.1  in  Tilapia;  Ca:  462.4  - 507.3,  Fe:  39.8  - 167.5  and  Zn: not  detected (ND) - 5.5  in  catfish; and   Ca:   542.2-   589.4,   Fe:   51.2   -  109.7   and   Zn:  ND  -  6.3   in labeobarbus  were   obtained.  Although  a  significant  variation  was noticed within a fish species and  in different species, fish from Lake Tana,   labeobarbus  relatively  had   better   calcium  content  whereas Clarias  gariepinus  (Catfish)  was  good   sources  of  iron  and   zinc content nutrients.

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Kibatu, G., Yigzaw, W. ., & Mengesha, Z. (2023). Essential Minerals and Trace Elements in Muscle Tissue of Three Fish Species from Lake Tana, Ethiopia. Ecological Insights, 7(2).

Comment citer

Kibatu, G., Yigzaw, W. ., & Mengesha, Z. (2023). Essential Minerals and Trace Elements in Muscle Tissue of Three Fish Species from Lake Tana, Ethiopia. Ecological Insights, 7(2).



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