Abundance and Species Composition of Gerado andDirma Rivers, South Wollo, Ethiopia


Assefa Tessem
Adem Mohammed


Abundance and  fish species composition of both  Gerado and   Drima  Rivers  were   studied  in  dry  and   wet   seasons  from February to  November 2014.  The  objectives  of  the  study were  to assess fish  species  composition,  relative  abundance  and recommend sustainable fishery management to help biodiversity conservation  in  aquatic  ecosystem. Gillnet  with  mesh size  of   6-10 cm were  used to catch  the  fish species, sensitive balance was used to measure weight of  the fish in gm and   Ruler was used to measure total length of the  fish species in cm  . Shannon diversity index was used to compare species diversity in both rivers between season.Univarate analysis and t test were used to test species composition  and  abundance difference  in  both  rivers  between sites and  season through  application of SPSS Version 16.The  number  of fish species collected from  Gerado River  was more  (8)  than  from Dirma   River(6).In   both    rivers,   abundance   and        fish   species composition   were   more   in  dry   season  than   wet   season.  The Shannon diversity index(H') value were  1.78  and  1.66 in dry and  wet season respectively  for Gerado river  and  1.61  and  1.41  in  dry and wet   seasons,  respectively,  for  Dirma  River.  The   dominant  fish species in Dirma and  Gerado Rivers in dry season was Varcorhinus beso with  total  number  of specimens  of 128  and  129,  respectively. The dominant fish species in wet season in Dirma River was Labeobarbus intermedius (40) whereas Varcorhinus beso was dominant in Gerado River (25). The total fish species composition of Dirma  River  was more  (6) in  dry season than  wet  season (5). The total fish specimens collected in Drima River was more in dry season (236)  than   wet  season (77).  The  species  composition  of  Gerado River was higher (8) in dry season than  wet season (6). The total fish specimen collected in Gerado River was higher (199)  in dry season than  wet season (37). There  was significant difference in abundance of fish specimens between season and  site (P<0.05)  unlike the  non significant   variation   in   Shannon  diversity  index   value   (P>0.05) between rivers.





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