Wetlands Ecosystems: Status and Threats in theAbbay River Basin


Getnet Hunegnaw
Biazen Ferede
Habib Mengesha


Ethiopia  the  Abbay  Basin  covers about 1.43%  wetlands area and  are  largely found in Tana  sub basin at the shore of  Lake  Tana,   Didessa,  Fincha  sub basin  and   Dabus  sub basins.  Wetland  assessment  data   were  collected  in  the Administrative  Zones  of  the   Amhara,   Oromiya  and   Benishangul Gumuz  Regions  embraced by the  sub basins  of Abbay Basin.  In all of  the   assessed  sub-basins  significant  hectares  of  wetlands  are found. Accordingly, the total coverage areas of wetlands in the basin are  about  188,528 hectares of marshy or swampy areas. Tana  and Didesa sub basins are the largest center of wetlands that comprise of Fogera   and    Dembia   flood   plains,   and    Illuababora   wetlands respectively in which the largest wetland areas in Ethiopia exist. Wetlands of the sub basins are rich in bird, plant and large mammals’ diversity  including  reptiles.  These wetlands  are  providing  services being shelters for indigenous and  migratory bird species that  come from abroad, and  wild animals. In addition these, wetlands consist of plant species like papyrus, gicha, filla and  sedge. Wetlands found in the  Basin  serve the  surrounding  communities  for  animal  grazing, irrigation, water  sources for animals and  humans consumption and sanitation, fishing center for the  local communities, harvesting place for   green  grasses-‘Chefe’   for   holiday   and   festival   ceremonies, sources  of  thatches  for  huts,  shelter  for  wild  lives  and   reptiles. Wetlands  are  the  sources of sedges that  serve the  local community to prepare rain protective material-‘Gessa’ in the rainy season.





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